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Multi-threading with TThread Part I

TThread Class

Creating a multi-threaded application is easier using the TThread class. This class lets you add another thread (in addition to the main thread) easily. Usually, you only need to override two methods: the constructor Create() and the Execute method.

By using TThread, you can create and manage multiple threads in your application, making it more efficient and responsive.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Declare a descendant of the TThread object.

  2. Override the constructor Create();

    • This is where you set up the thread.
    • Initialise variables or properties you need.
    • The constructor has a parameter called CreateSuspended:
      • If CreateSuspended is set to True, the thread won't start immediately.
      • If CreateSuspended is set to False, the thread will start running right after it's created.
      • If you create the thread with CreateSuspended := True, you need to call the Start method later to run it.
  3. Override Execute;

    • This is where you write the code that will run in the thread.
    • You can add a loop here to perform repeated actions.

Important features of TThread

property ProcessorCount: LongWord;

  • Returns the number of cores in the system.

procedure Terminate;

  • The Terminate method simply changes the Terminated property to True.
  • It does not in any way attempt to terminate the thread in any other way, this just signals the thread that it should stop executing at the earliest possible moment.


When the thread contains a loop (which is common), the loop should end when Terminated becomes True (by default, it is False). During each iteration, check the value of Terminated, and if it is True, exit the loop promptly after any required cleanup.

property FreeOnTerminate: Boolean;

  • If FreeOnTerminate is True, the thread object is automatically freed when the Execute method finishes. This is useful for avoiding memory leaks and simplifying memory management in certain scenarios.
  • If FreeOnTerminate is False, you need to free the thread object manually.
  • Use the OnTerminate property to get a notification of when the thread has terminated and will be freed.


When setting FreeOnTerminate property to True, in general you may not read or write any property of the TThread instance from a different thread, because there is no guarantee that the thread instance still exists in memory.

This implies 2 things:

  1. The OnTerminate event handler should be set before setting FreeOnTerminate to True
  2. The properties can still be read and set in the OnTerminate event handler, as the thread instance is then still guaranteed to exist.


If FreeOnTerminate is set to False, to stop and delete a running thread from another thread, the following sample code can be used:

FreeAndNil(aThread); // or aThread.Free;


function WaitFor;

  • WaitFor blocks the calling thread until the thread it is called on has finished executing. This is useful for synchronizing the completion of a thread before proceeding with further operations.


The potential conflict arises because if a thread is set to FreeOnTerminate, it will free itself immediately upon completion. If WaitFor is called after the thread has terminated, it will attempt to access a freed (and thus invalid) thread object, leading to undefined behavior or program crashes.

Safe Usage Scenarios

  1. Single Thread with FreeOnTerminate and WaitFor:

    • You can safely use WaitFor with a thread that has FreeOnTerminate set to True if you ensure WaitFor is called before the thread completes and frees itself.
  2. For multiple threads, it's safer to avoid combining FreeOnTerminate set to True with WaitFor. Instead, manage the thread lifecycle manually:

    • Set FreeOnTerminate to False.
    • Call WaitFor on each thread to ensure it completes.
    • Manually Free the thread objects.


Gustavo 'Gus' Carreno 🇵🇹 🇬🇧 — 2024-05-27 at 15:53

You should never use the Terminate property of a TThread outside the thread itself.

You should always use WaitFor [to wait for the thread to terminate]!!

  // ...

Usually, you use Terminated extensively in the Execute method.

You kinda have to check it religiously inside Execute, especially if you have a long running and/or blocking thread.

But, if I'm not mistaken, the Terminated property is privacy level protected. Hence, you should not use it outside Execute.

To terminate a thread you call Terminate. Then if you need to make sure it's done and has cleaned up, you use WaitFor.

procedure Synchronize();

  • Threads should not directly update visible components (like UI elements), so you must use Synchronize to safely update UI elements from the thread.
  • Synchronize ...
    • pauses the thread,
    • runs a method (like updating a label) in the main thread,
    • and then resumes the thread.

Example: Run a task on a thread with a variable

  1. Create a class, for example TMyThread, based on TThread. Line 14-25.
  2. Create a constructor. Line 27-40.
    • call constructor of TThread,
    • set free on terminate and
    • Start thread.
  3. Override Execute. Line 42-52.
    • This procedure contains your task to perform.
  4. Create a thread in the main block. Line 67.
  5. Wait for the thread to finish and return to the main thread. Line 71.
  6. Free the thread manually. Line 74.
program EX1SingleThread;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}{$J-}

  cmem, cthreads,
  Classes { you can add units after this };

  // The TThread class encapsulates the native thread support of the OS.
  // To create a thread, (1) declare a child of the TThread object, ...
  TMyThread = class(TThread)
    // (with a data to work with)
    aString: string;
    // (2) override the Execute method, and ...
    procedure Execute; override;
    // (3) lastly, you may include a constructor to setup variables
    // for executing this thread.
    constructor Create(isSuspended: boolean; message: string);

  constructor TMyThread.Create(isSuspended: boolean; message: string);

    // Call parent's constructor
    // If user pass True, thread won't start automatically
    inherited Create(isSuspended);

    // Assign a data to work with.

    // Won't free the thread when finished.
    // The thread will be freed manually on the main block.

  procedure TMyThread.Execute;
    // Execute thread, and DO SOMETHING in this thread.

    // Example: if the thread has a data to work with,
    //          use it to achieve a goal.
    WriteLn('Thread ID ', ThreadID, ' is printing ', self.aString);

    // Example: simulate a long running process.


// Main block --------------------------------------------------

// Create a thread, suspended
myThread:=TMyThread.Create(True, 'Hello, World!');

// Debug line
WriteLn('We are in the main thread');

// Start the thread

// Wait until the thread is done before going back to
// the main thread.

// Free threads manually.

// Debug line.
WriteLn('We are in the main thread again');

// Pause console.
WriteLn('Press enter key to quit');


Example: Run same tasks on multiple threads


2024-02-08 - paweld 🇵🇱 caught a memory leak in the original code and fixed it.

Thank you!

  1. Create a class, for example TTaskThread, based on TThread. Line 40-47.
  2. Override Execute. Line 50-57.
    • This procedure contains your task to perform.
  3. Create a constructor. Line 60-68.
    • call constructor of TThread,
    • set free on terminate and
    • Start thread.
  4. Create all threads in the main block. Line 56, 57.
  5. Wait for all threads to finish and return to the caller or main thread. Line 88, 89.
  6. Free threads manually. Line 92, 93.
program EX2MultiThread;

  # EX2MultiThread

  A simple demo of multi-threading.

  ## Example of an output

  Started TThread demo
  Starting a task from the main thread
  Started a task on thread ID 22848
  Started a task on thread ID 24428
  Completed the task from the main thread
  Completed task on thread ID: 22848
  Completed task on thread ID: 24428
  Finished TThread demo
  Press Enter to quit

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}{$J-}

// 2024-02-08 - paweld 🇵🇱 fixed a memory leak issue on the original code.

  {$ifdef unix}
  cmem, cthreads,

  // Create a class based on TThread
  // TTaskThread
  TTaskThread = class(TThread)
    // Override the Execute procedure of TThread
    procedure Execute; override;
    // Thread constructor with free on terminate
    constructor Create;

  // The Execute procedure, simulating a task
  procedure TTaskThread.Execute;
    WriteLn('Started a task on thread ID ', ThreadID);

    Sleep(2000); // Simulating a long-running task.

    WriteLn('Completed task on thread ID: ', ThreadID);

  // Constructor of TTaskThread
  constructor TTaskThread.Create;
    // Create as suspended.
    inherited Create(True);
    // Set Free on Terminate to false, so it won't free itself when completed.
    FreeOnTerminate := False;
    // Run thread.

  task1, task2: TThread;

  WriteLn('Started TThread demo');

  // Create all threads
  task1 := TTaskThread.Create;
  task2 := TTaskThread.Create;

  // Start a task on the main thread
  Writeln('Starting a task from the main thread');
  Sleep(2000); // simulate a task
  Writeln('Completed the task from the main thread');

  // Wait for threads to finish before going back to the main thread.

  // Free the threads manually

  WriteLn('Finished TThread demo');
  WriteLn('Press Enter to quit');